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Strengthening The Comprehensive Management Of Public Security In Coal Enterprises Under The New Situation

At present, China’s economy has shifted from a high-speed growth phase to a high-quality development phase. From the perspective of the coal industry, with the continuous advancement of de-capacity work, the situation in the coal industry will undergo important changes. Comprehensive management of public security is the basic guarantee and prerequisite for all work of the enterprise, and it is also an important part of accelerating the reform and development of the enterprise.

The importance of strengthening the comprehensive management:

To do a good job in the comprehensive management of corporate public security, we must first understand the current factors of enterprise instability. In coal enterprises, once contradictions occur, it will quickly become characterized by concentration, concentration, suddenness, wide-ranging influence and influence. If the emergency is not handled properly or improperly, it will inevitably cause harm to social stability and corporate security. As an energy-based industry, coal companies have many explosive, flammable, chemical and other dangerous goods. If they are damaged, they will cause major production safety accidents. Therefore, doing a good job in comprehensive management of public security under the new situation is crucial to building a safe society and promoting economic and social development.

The principles of comprehensive public security management:

1. Company party committee leading, the party and government together.

2. Positive publicity, side guidance, and resolution of contradictions.

3. The first priority is to ensure the safety of key prevention sites and government departments.

Necessary countermeasures for classification of group emergencies:

1. For criminal activities involving foreign hostile forces, enterprises should actively cooperate with the public security and security departments to promptly cut off the communication channels of hostile forces abroad, and esolutely stop its illegal activities across regions.

2. For the incident of large group demonstrations, Enterprises should actively cooperate with the public security, security departments and relevant units to do a good job of dispelling and dissuading, through legal propaganda and persuasion education involve participants in illegal activities.

3. For the behavior of serious interference with social order, nterprises should cooperate with the public security and security departments to discourage. When the invalidation is stopped, measures are taken decisively in accordance with the emergency plan for handling mass incidents.

4. For the criminal activities such as hitting, smashing, robbing and burning, enterprises must fix the evidence and resolutely give it a stop, and cooperate with the public security organs to carry the suspects away from the scene.

The comprehensive management of public security in coal enterprises is a long-term and arduous task, enterprises must take the maintenance of peace, harmony and stability as the main line of work, protect the fundamental interests of employees as the goal, et the governance work be normalized and create a stable public security environment.